What the AD Blocker Potty does?

🚫 Give yourself faster browsing (as resources are blocked from loading)
🚫 Blocks all ads, including text ads (including Facebook adblock), rich media ads, pop-ups, banners, and video ads (including YouTube adblock).
🚫 Thanks to the absence of ads and pop-up windows, speeds up page loading and conserves bandwidth.
🚫 Prevents malware and phishing attacks; Blocks many spyware, adware, and dialer installers.
🚫 Protects your privacy by preventing common third-party tracking systems.

How to remove AD Blocker Potty social media widgets?

At the moment we’ve got more than 2,500,000 harmful websites on record. AD Blocker Potty can block domains known to spread malware, protecting your computer against viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, and adware. AD Blocker Potty really lowers the risk of virus infections and prohibits access to harmful websites to prevent potential attacks.

How can Blocker Potty protect you from online threats?

At the moment we’ve got more than 2,500,000 harmful websites on record. AD Blocker Potty can block domains known to spread malware, protecting your computer against viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, and adware. AD Blocker Potty really lowers the risk of virus infections and prohibits access to harmful websites to prevent potential attacks.

Why do I need to grant permissions to AD Blocker Potty

"Access your data for all websites" and "Access browser tabs": These two permissions are required for AD Blocker Potty to perform any type of post-processing on the content of the pages. Simple ad server blocking by naive ad blocking would leave broken elements and first-party ads on the pages. AD Blocker Potty applies specific aesthetic standards to make pages appear neat and orderly. "Access browser activity during navigation" is a permission required to monitor navigational events and to implement rules as needed.


  1. Let the logo tell you the usefulness. Piece of shit.

  2. thank you so much! for this ext seriously devs! awesome work don't take the words that other mean people says well done keep the good work!

  3. Parece funcionar, lo voy a usar para asegurarme que realmente sirve, por el momento elimino anuncios de YouTube que otros no pueden hacerlo.


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