how is that possible?

If you try to skip the video advertisements on YouTube too quickly, you won't be able to. You will be given a certain time i.e. five seconds or when the time limit on YouTube is over। That is, you will complete the task within the allotted time of YouTube. But you can do it very easily with an extension. That extension is Skip Video Ads in YouTube™?.

What is Adblock for YouTube™?

You can understand what this extension does by looking at the name. If you don't understand then let's say, this extension helps to keep you away from various advertisements on YouTube. You can turn this extension on and off whenever you want to turn off and on your YouTube ads or advertisements. This extension has a disable button with which you can stop the extension. The best feature of this extension is that it will also show you how much time this extension has saved you from advertisements. So don't delay and download this extension soon it will keep you away from YouTube app for free and you don't have to pay any money for it.


You will find thousands of extensions of this name in the market but the original extension of this name is this. If you don't believe it, you can try it. I am sure once you use the tension you will understand that it is the original extension that will help you to stay away from various advertisements on YouTube. Everyone uses this name of Ads Block for YouTube but the original extension is this. This extension keeps you away from various YouTube banner ads. Not only that, YouTube also keeps away from various sponsorships. You can turn this extension on and off whenever you want.It means you can turn YouTube ads off whenever you want and you can turn YouTube ads on.This extension keeps you away from the YouTube app.


1. Blocks video ads or advertisements during videos on YouTube.
2. Blocks various banner ads on YouTube.
3. Blocks suggested videos on YouTube.
4. YouTube blocks sponsored advertisements.
5. Avoid various sponsorship ads or banner ads and suggest advertisements on YouTube.
6. This extension will keep you away from YouTube advertisements.
7. Very lite and easy to use Extension.


  1. Buggy makes youtube diagonal

  2. Doesn't work anymore

  3. Doesn't work anymore

  4. YouTube senses adblock and it constantly reminds you that you cannot use it via pop-up messages

    1. YouTube has changed their settings, a pop up appears, pausing viewing saying adblockers are not allowed on YouTube.
      You can at present, close the box to continue, but it stops the play back till you clear it.
      You may need to do an update to prevent this pop up.

  5. YouTube erkennt Adblocker und erinnert Sie ständig über Popup-Nachrichten daran, dass Sie es nicht verwenden können

  6. YouTube has changed their settings, a pop up appears, pausing viewing saying adblockers are not allowed on YouTube.
    You can at present, close the box to continue, but it stops the play back till you clear it.
    You may need to do an update to prevent this pop up.

  7. Youtube videos remain blank and won't start with this plugin

  8. Keeps triggering the youtube add block response

  9. Since several months i use it - it works flawlessly, great add on, thank you very much. is there a donation page?

  10. Thanks for having an adblock that creates a popup every time I open youtube to tell me its stopping pop ups from opening every time I open youtube! What a fantastic idea! Morons

    1. It used to work, Youtube is killing it.

  11. When you activate the extension, it takes away the option to comment on YouTube

  12. When using this on Microsoft Edge, when you go to start a new video, you sometimes have to refresh the video page in order for the extension to "kick in" .... and then it's fine. I don't have such issues when watching on Chrome. Both browsers are up to date as is my OS.

  13. in recent days it hasn't been working.

  14. Hasnt been working

  15. This extension does not work anymore since today

  16. 1)Відключіть можливість заходити на сайт YouTube для Китаю, Індії, Бангладешу, Індонезії, Пакистану, В'єтнаму, Таїланду, росії, білорусі, Сербії, Куби, Венесуели, Нікарагуа, Гондураса, Північної Кореї, Киргизстана, Таджикистана, Туркменістана
    2)Зменште трохи ціни на підписку для решти країн
    3)Поясніть, чому саме відмова від блокування реклами користувачами є корисним, зробіть вищим бітрейт у відео, додайте деякі опції AI на сайт
    4)Видаліть російську із інтерфейсу сайту

  17. all these bot replies,, good job google,, it works fine ,, been around for over ten years...

  18. Seems to have just stopped working

  19. stopped working for me, but judging from the previous comments they are quick to fix any update youtube puts out to stop adblocks

  20. not working anymore

  21. YouTube detects this ad blocker and prevents videos from playing after about 2 or 3 videos, then YouTube basically locks down the videos and won't play them with this ad blocker on YouTube. I know it sounds odd, but I've had browser Opera completely lock up my computer when using this blocker on YouTube, otherwise my computer has never locked up with any app, program, website, browser. Turn off the blocking on YouTube and no lockups.

  22. With Ublock O you can bit smarter then yt/G i checcked 4 adblock for yt, adguard. Yesterday i got msg Adblock Plus works. is just 2 times heavier then UO.With a code monkey and me, quit easy to stay ahead of YT/G...with UO, so many options, can make easy block, if we see where/how name YT sends scriptHow you come at that crazy idea? i have more then yr in afight with first help yt & Google, then feedback of both: they smarter then yt 1st line helpdesk. My study is like 15 times more difficult then theisa.GL all

  23. Don't work anymore


  25. Doesn't block ads at all...the only thing it does is shows a little red box under the YT video that says "Skipping Ads..." while the ads play...well, if you let them play. All you have to do is refresh to skip the ads completely anyway for the time being. Using OperaGX...which, normally their built-in YT adblocker is sufficient, but they must be on holiday because it's not up to snuff currently. They'll fix it, they always do...but in the meantime I was curious if there were any good third-party options out there, but nope. Not that I've found yet, sadly. The hunt continues! :)

  26. เป็นส่วนขยายที่ยอดเยี่ยมที่สุดเท่าที่ฉันเคยใช้มา ฉันขอบคุณจากใจจริง Thank You


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